Sunday, October 17, 2010

Who wants to be a millionaire?

I'm angry. I wish I wasn't but at the moment I am.

This morning started out ok, but went down hill quick for me. Church was great. At one point the our pastor started talking about the false security of money. The lie that if we only had money things would be ok and that our true security is in God. He was telling us of a man who was very wealthy and would make around 45 million this year but wasn't happy with his life and wanted what someone else had even though they didn't have the money. Instead of following the point our pastor was telling us, I instantly got angry and all I could think of is this man who had a ton of money and didn't want it, yet while I don't have the need to be rich, I would like to be able to pay rent, bills and maybe give some experiences to Aaron before he dies that we can in no way even afford to dream about. The thought that 1/100 of someone's yearly pay could pay off our car, pay our rent for over a year, more than cover all of the bills people are calling us to pay and give Aaron the opportunity to take a trip or do something he won't be able to do now blows my mind. The fact that someone that doesn't want or need the money has it is what makes me mad.

Right now I would love for Aaron to be able to make one more trip down to southern California to see his friend David. I would love to see David as well. Aaron is unable to sit in a car for that length of time anymore and we can't afford to fly. So therefor something as simple as a trip to a state right next to us is no longer an option due to something as stupid as money. It makes me so mad that money dictates how we live.

I don't want to be rich or wealthy. I'd be content with knowing where the money for rent is coming more than a day before it was due. I can tell you if I had the blessing of being wealthy I would use it to help people that didn't have that luxury.

God has supplied for our needs very faithfully. I am grateful for that. I just wish, that in the little and precious time Aaron and I have together, that we had money to do things that Aaron wanted to do and experience rather than sit at home trying to figure out how to pay bills.

So if you happen to have an extra $45,000 or know someone who does, give them our number. lol

I know. "Everyone would like to do things" and "not everyone gets to do things they want", However, it still sucks.

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