I can't believe I'm going to be able to go to New York with Aaron. This is one thing I wanted to make sure happened for him. God has been amazing in providing us everything we need as well as being able to do things we wanted as well. I'm not saying we have an excess of money. We've had to be very strategic in our spending.
Making sure Aaron gets to do as much ans he can ofthe things he's always wanted to do has been my goal since his diagnosis and I"ve really taken on the motto that you just have to ask. We've both gone out on a limb for a few things trying to get tickets or opportunities to happen. I used to think that it wasn't worth it and everyone was either going to say no or not respond at all. One thing I've learned(of the MANY things) is you should ask. Don't be afraid to ask for anything. The worst thing that can happen is you get told no. But if you dont' ask you'll never know if something could have happened.
This also carries over to my relationship with God.
Philippians 4:6 (New International Version)6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Go to God and ask him for the desires of your heart. Be prepared for a no if it's not in his plan, but if it is in his plan be prepared for the ride of your life. Also if it's not in his plan, think about how important you felt that request was and how happy it was going to make you. If he said no to that, he's got something even better and more amazing in the plan for you. Make that the new desire of your heart. Aaron has been something amazing in my life. I've asked and still do ask for him to be healed. I know God can do it if it's in his plan. If it's not, then what kind of amazing things does he have in the works for everyone that surrounds Aaron. The thought blows my mind.Thanks for reading this again. Guess I didn't bore you enough with the first blog. I hope you all get to do something in your life that you've always wanted to do and have your mind blown by that experience, God or both.
Have a super-dee-duper time in NYC! Oh and by the way, a little trick I learned when I was in Sales, "You don't ask, you don't get!" So glad that you are asking :) Love the Blog.