This isn't going to be a deep or thought provoking post. In fact it may come across shallow. Who knows.
I have always gotten along with guys better than girls. Of course I had a lot of female friends in high school, but it's easier for me to be friends with a guy. They're less complicated, not as many (if any) head games. They're not going to go gossip to their friends about things I've told them. I enjoy football, wrestling, video games and action flicks just like they do. And, they give good hugs.
That being said, I have often been so compatible that I get put in the Friend Zone. Never to be thought of as anything but one of the guys. I'm sitting here watching the Duck game as I write this and watching the puts and returns, I'm seeing similarities. The teams kicker backs up, runs at the ball and sends it off to the other team with everything he's got and hopes for a return! They want that ball to come back at them in hot pursuit signaling "Game On"! I can relate to that in life. (ok maybe there's a small attempt to get deep in thought) Many times I've backed up, composed myself then thrown out everything, all my emotions, to a guy and hoped for a return. I think, come on, I put the ball in motion! Run with it! When you watch football, you can see the defensive line set and ready for what comes back. They're amped and excited. Ready to go! So imagine the disappointment when they send that ball off only to have the other team receive it and take a knee in the end zone. No return. No pursuit. Just the defensive line trying to stop the momentum they've built. Yep. Think that analogy is pretty self explanatory. You just want someone to come back to you with the same excitement that you had giving them the ball. Too bad in relationships you can't blame anyone but yourself for pass interference.
Having been put in the friend zone by everyone up till Aaron, I dread the thought of being out there again. I don't want to just be that safe zone. I don't NEED to be in a relationship to feel complete. That's not the issue. I am my own complete person. I'm perfectly fine being single. However, after being married, I do know that is something God has designed me to be. I miss being and want to be someone's supporter, encourager and partner. I don't want someone to change everything and give up their life. I want them to let me join them. I want a reason to get all done up.
So why is it so easy to get put in the friend zone and nearly impossible to get out. Someone replaced the turf with quicksand. The harder you try, the more buried you get. I'm sure some of my friends know what I mean.
Thanks for reading lol.